Watch Robert Friedland in Keynote Interview at Qatar Economic Forum

(May 16, 2024) Robert Friedland, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of I-Pulse Inc., shares his insights at the Qatar Economic Forum about the importance of reducing energy consumption and how I-Pulse is changing the way we use electricity across industries.
Ivanhoe Mines replaces $76-million loan receivable from HPX with equity investment in I-Pulse

(June 15, 2023) Ivanhoe Mines Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete announce that an agreement has been reached to replace the outstanding convertible loan balance owed to Ivanhoe Mines by High Power Exploration into an equity investment in I-Pulse Inc.
I-Pulse partners with BHP to advance new applications of pulsed power technology
(Dec. 12, 2022) I-Pulse and I-ROX announce the start of collaboration with BHP to identify and develop applications of pulsed power technology to help improve efficiency and reduce energy use of mining processes.
I-ROX Announces €12M Funding Round from Breakthrough Energy Ventures-Europe

(Nov. 21, 2022) I-ROX SAS is today revealing that it has received €12 million in funding from Breakthrough Energy Ventures-Europe (BEV-E).
Ivanhoe Electric, Ma’aden announce Saudi exploration joint venture
(Jan. 11, 2023) Ma’aden and Ivanhoe Electric to Establish a 50/50 Joint Venture to Explore for Copper, Gold, Silver and Electric Metals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia